Back-tracking, again. This outfit was actually worn the evening after the previous post. I had an online interview over Skype, a new experience that makes applying to various schools all over the map (or even globe) a much more feasible thing to do in this day and age.
Usually I have a much more regimented uniform for interviews, typically (almost expectedly) consisting of the suit, and in my case, small shiny silver earrings. It's always worked, so why fix it if it ain't broke? -as the saying goes. Well in this case I did change it up. The interview world over Skype is an entirely different dynamic, with what you're wearing playing much lesser of a role on first impressions. This is a good thing, I think. Of course there are many down-sides to have many miles between the interviewer and interviewee, but I like to think it gives a pretty good impression of the person you are, with some of the pretentious parts of first impressions not having as significant an effect.
Interestingly, my dad tells me he always looks at people's shoes when they come for an interview. Are they old? faded? shined? dirty, clean? I suppose they are a part of the outfit possibly least thought about, or if thought about, more at the last minute. Funny what might be looked at to read into your personality and suitability for a job. In this case, I didn't have to worry about the impression of my shoes (although funny enough I did put some on), nor did the non-suit ensemble hold anything back - I was accepted!