Saturday, 30 March 2013

A Good Friday.

Today was one of those days where you put your clothes on and just feel great. Right at home. Walk with a litte more confidence in your stride, and at the end of the day put your legs up, and relax, because you know you have the freedom to just be yourself. 

This shirt was bought with a gift certi from Anthro, a store with too many items to covet at once. Beyond clothes too.

I've been thinking about these pricey pieces though - if they are well loved, well worn, and well taken care of, are they not so much better of an investment than the over-the-top shopping sprees of crazy sales on the boxing days where you spend just as much, but its distributed over multiple items, that you will try and remember to wear at least twice, just to get your money's worth?

I've been thinking about how I will re-introduce the clothing shopping lately (yes, already ;), and I think I will allow for a certain number of items per time period (ie month). I fear I will get caught up in the frenzy again much too easily, but if I limit my number of purchases, they will be well though out and likely liked longer than just the day I happen to be in front of the mirror, judgment swayed by a sale (does this not happen waaaay too much?!). I think this is also a good way to not feel guilty about spending a prettier penny on just one item. If I like it and it feels like it will be more of a 'long term investment', the extra pennies are worth it. (Or should I be saying nickels now, since we longer have the penny in our currency!) In addition, if something costs more, you are more likely to buy it only if you reeeeaaaaally like it. 

blouse from Anthro

I love scalloped features, in moderation. Too much can
be a little twee, but this is just the perfect amount.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

March madness.

Well. Should I even acknowledge the lapse in time? 
There, I did. ;)
Lost a little bit of momentum there. 

navy blue polkadot dress
*slowly becoming a favourite

I've thought about this blog a fair amount during this last little hiatus. Something I'm learning with the new shift of balances in my time is the value of doing a little bit of something each day. Chipping away. I'm starting to find that I can fit in school and work with other hobbies including reading, sports, and (gulp) blogging. (Aaand a social life). The truth is, I actually do have a number of outfit pictures piling up. It's not that I want to broadcast "what I wear" to the virtual world, but that this was a project of creativity, and discipline. The discipline is going fairly well. I admit, I've caved a little. Nothing that threatens the essence of the 'fast' though. (For instance, I've bought new running shoes and clothes. But this is something I hadn't been able to purchase previously with all the focus on my frontline wardrobe). I really value these and other non-clothes items I've purchased since the fast began. When a purchase is well thought out and made with intent, you feel like the item is more of an 'earned' purchase. I am liking the feeling of being a 'responsible shopper' (there is a distinct difference between this and the bargain shopper, although they are not mutually exclusive).

Rose gold pyramid studs

I am hoping to keep posts simple and thus keep my project more up to date. I am thoroughly enjoying the creativity side as well. I admit, there are days when nothing comes though. I definitely use other style blogs for inspiration, and it is amazing what unveils itself.