Wednesday, 3 April 2013

DYI: fancy up an old friend with some beads

As alluded to in my last post, I like to create new pieces out of old ones. Its fun, and a great way to re-invigorate an article that's been long forgotten. In the case below, I actually went out and bought this sweater second hand to do this project, since I didn't have one that suited the mind's eye finished product I was hoping for. Conversely I had the beads just lying around, found when unpacking from a recent (not so recent now) move.

Materials: old sweater, sewing needle, thread, scissors, measuring tape/ruler, beads (~40 to 50 but it really depends on how close you want them aligned and the size of the sweater), fabric chalk (25 cents at a sewing store)

First things first, iron your sweater.

Then pin up the sides to ensure your 
sweater lays flat while you're working on it.

Next measure the bottom width and pin the middle point as a reference. Using a straight edge, draw a line down the middle of the sweater with the fabric chalk. I followed the natural line created by the knit. Decide how far apart you would like your beads and measure out from the centre line. I used ~ an inch and a half. Draw all these vertical lines equal widths apart:

Starting with the middle line, draw cross-hatches where you'd like your beads to go. My beads are just resting there so I could visualize a nice distance. Draw cross hatches down the middle line where the beads are to go. Next, I staggered the neighbouring lines' cross hatches for a more appealing pattern. Draw the rest of your cross hatches on the remaining vertical lines. As you can see, every other line has the beads at the same height:

Pin beads to the cross hatches and hand sew on. I was
pretty paranoid so I did 5 or 6 stitches for each bead.

Keep going until all beads are sewn 
on. This will likely be a multiple 
sitting project, just warnin ya ;)

As you can see I didn't go all the way to the edge, 
where the sweater starts to wrap around your side.

and with a little patience,


Its not a great picture, I know. 
I'll wear it again sometime soon ;).

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